February 4th - 6th, 2022, Write your First Novel - West Dean College, Chichester, Sussex
Learn the principles of characterisation, storytelling, plotting, structure, style and pace. On this intensive weekend course, explore how to begin a novel, some of the pitfalls to avoid, and how to keep improving as a writer.
More info/booking at the West Dean website.
June 13th - 17th 2022 Intensive Tutored Retreat - Retreats for You, Sheepwash, Devon
On this residential retreat at the charming Retreats for You house in a tiny village in Devon I will be running morning sessions on each full day of the retreat, where we will explore in detail different aspects of the craft of novel-writing, plus writerly chats on the introductory Monday evening and other evening sessions where people can share their writing. There will be ample time for us to talk individually about your writing projects and work on any issues you may be having with your writing.
For more info/booking see Retreats for You
August 19th - 21st, 2022, Plan a Novel - West Dean College, Chichester, Sussex
An weekend workshop where we will explore how much of a novel we need to plan in advance, and how much we can best develop during the actual process of writing. Through tutor-led sessions on each aspect of planning a novel, and also working individually and in groups, you will develop a plan for your novel, whether it is a new idea that emerges from scratch or is one you have been thinking about for some time. There will also be time for individual discussion with the tutor to tackle any sticky areas of your planning. This course is suitable for experienced novelists and fist-time writers alike.
Contact me for more information about this course as it isn't yet available on the West Dean website